Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'm not sure why but I think I'm less honest the older I get and in some ways, that could also equate to more boring! AH, sigh.  I think I have a chronic condition aka addiction to blogging.  From xanga, to blogspot, and now even turning "Kevin and my" wedding blog into my own blog.  That's a sign of total addiction.

Anyways, today is one of those days where you stay inside even though you really just wish you could go outside.  I haven't touched outside ground or breathed in any fresh air and it's already 2pm.  I'm not sure why I'm so silly sometimes.  Maybe I think it takes too much effort to go out, or sometimes I'm scared to see people, or in some ways I could just be to lazy and too unmotivated to have to interact and behave normal altogether.  You must know what I'm talking about.  I think when I'm at home I can act as silly, as tired as I want, as grumpy as I want, hehe, and I can wear pj's and glasses and not have to try to look good AT all.  

Kevin just asked me if he could play videogames. I just realized that I have taught my husband so well. Him ask ME if he can play video games? Since we're on the topic of marriage, I found out a friend of mine separated from her husband this week. It happened a little while back, but she and I got married the same time so it was pretty disheartening to hear how these things happen. I have really a great husband, he really is top quality and cares for me so much, but when I hear stories of friends or other people who I know who divorce or have marital issues that are destroying their marriage I remember that I am not immune to any of that and I had better get off my lazy butt and be good to Kevin and strive to be a good helper to him.  I was ultra impressed because today as I listened to DAB, one woman had a prayer request because she had separated from her husband of 20 years and now her husband was married to the person he had an affair with. Anyways, she said she has been praying for the success of her husband and his new wife because she wants her four children not to have to see any more divorce. She also said she has been praying that although her husband left her, she is praying that he and his new wife would come back to the Lord.  Amazing to have that kind of love.   

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