Monday, May 23, 2011

The Story of My Ring

I've been neglecting my TRUE blog followers over the past two weeks.  It sure is hard and time consuming to blog all the time I tell you.

Well how have you all been? (as if you could answer)

It's been a hard weekend.  Sunday was seven months since Yeye passed away and then on Saturday I lost my ring, yes both engagement and wedding band.  I was searching for it on Saturday and then all day at church on Sunday, I was pretty much moping around thinking how sad it would make me to have only been married for less than two years and not having a ring for the next 30+ years of marriage.  Kevin could buy me another replacement if I didn't find it RIGHT?  Um... judging that this is the second time I've lost the diamond, I don't think I would let him buy me another one.  But then I was thinking that if I didn't find it, every time someone got engaged or anytime I saw someone with a ring, I'd just be staring at it and then it'd make me mope again.

Best piece of advice?  Of course, from Mama.  "If you lose it, you lose it."  She said it is the heart that really matters. So I convinced myself that yes, I would rather have my marriage than the ring.  For real, I would.  But I want my ring too!

Best source of comfort?  A sermon on Sunday where I learned that "Jesus wept" after seeing Mary's brokenness.  My lesson was not to get mad at God, after all, it was my fault, but to be broken before him and beg him to help me find it. =)

Best verse? I know this is slightly or very superstitious but sometimes I "feel" like bad things happen because God wants me to read my bible. And so I picked up that NIV and found the perfect verse for me... Psalm 34:18..."The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Of course, by now, you already know that I have FOUND the ring. And I've learned that you never find things when you actually look for them. They just decide to show up.  Yay! celebration!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


A college friend, Sooz, visited me a few weeks ago and aside from introducing her to yogiberry and some tasty Chinese cuisine, we also made cards. How could my day have gotten better?

If you know me, I love paper and color and there is nothing more satisfying then making a mess with paper, scissors and glue.  In honor of the cards being given to mothers across the globe, Happy Mothers Day. Cards GALORE!

Wanna see my mother's day card? If you can keep a secret, one of the cards above is being reserved for tomorrow.  

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Where's Waldo - My husband's latest prank

I have to say that life married to my husband is never boring.  He's a prankster and it makes me laugh.  Yes, we have a lot of fun together.

This past weekend, Julia and Jonathan and my grandma came over for a day of fun at their Auntie Bel and Uncle Kevin's and I'm not sure who had more fun, them or us!  

We played Chutes and Ladders (Julia won), then Kevin made up this game where you toss my old jewelry into a hole, we read books, ate popsicles, and then we made cards with Bel's scrapbooking stuff and then... well that's when we were going to go to the park. The only problem is we couldn't find Kevin!  Now you'd think that being much older than a 3 and 6 years old, I would have been able to find Kevin, but think again.

We went in our bedroom, jumped on the bed, looked in the closet, went in the bathroom and I was sure that he was in the tub.... nope! We looked in the hall closet.  If you've ever come into my house, it's only a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, so really there aren't many places to hide. 

15 minutes after my husband hid, look where we found him!  If you've ever been in my house, I swear you would have been fooled too.   

Can't figure it out? Check out the second pictures. A classic where's waldo! These cardboard cutouts are from our wedding and have been next to our kitchen table for the past year and a half.  Not only have they scared neighbors and visitors when they come in, we put them to good use and scare each other=).