Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Two Confessions.

Slideshows and oatmeal cookies.

Good morning and welcome again to my blog.  I can't believe I hit another Saturday morning.  While you may be a fan of my blog, interestingly, I am too=).  Since Yeye passed away, I confess that I watch the slideshow from his memorial service at least once everyday. It makes me cry, goodness!, and reminds me of how much he meant to me. It also reminds me how much I meant to him.  

One thing I hate is how when we go through our days, sometimes you forget about important things because you are so busy with the everyday of life.  This week I thought less about Yeye because of work/school work and well I don't like that feeling. I guess this is the natural process of loss, but I don't like it at all. So whether it's through taking an hour and fifteen minute walk, visiting the cemetery, lighting a candle, looking at his slideshow, or reading notes to me where he started off with "my dear Isabel", I'm going to continue to remember him.  I'm sure many others will easily forget him, which is natural, but I've saved him a spot in my days to come.  

Ye waving "farewell" before going off for another afternoon walk. 
This week to remember Yeye, I ate oatmeal cookies!  And of course, Kevin remembered with me.  That's right. Yeye was OCD about making sure he always had a good inventory of oatmeal cookies. Oh my goodness, they were a main staple in his life.  When I was cleaning up his stuff after he passed away he had about 6-7 unopened packages of oatmeal cookies...Giant brand, Trader Joe's, everything (we each took home a bag of unopened cookies).  And even with a plethora of cookies, he'd always ask me to buy him another pack as if he were running out. We finished the whole pack of cookies this week and while Ye couldn't be here to share with me, I'm sure heaven has a much better supply of cookies and dessert.  =)


My other confession which seems random is that I have been stealing my neighbors Sunday newspaper coupons lately and plot to steal them again after this Sunday's paper.  Our recycling/trash area is shared and a few weeks ago I spotted an untouched pack of coupons.  UNTOUCHED, uncut!  How could I resist??  Anyways, Sunday is coming up soon, so I anticipate a new inventory of more cost-saving coupons.  I hope never to get caught.=)

1 comment:

Katherine Tung said...

Sorry to hear about your grandpa. Glad you're finding ways to remember him :)

And I hear you on the coupons. I've thought about leaving a note on my neighbor's to see if wouldn't mind leaving me their coupons if they don't use them.