Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Birthday, FIX IT people and raining all day

1. I found out YESTERDAY that my grandma's birthday is not really May 3rd AT ALL... Apparently, her official birthday was April 19th but all her documents write May 3rd.... sighhh. THE LIES!!  Do you know old she is? Yes that's like 95 years that I thought her birthday was May 3rd.  Well I visited her yesterday and had a sip of Coca Cola and a fortune cookie with her.  That's the way to celebrate!  I had a good time visiting her.

2. I love LOVE SEARS! They are so much more efficient than Verizon. Of course, they are not perfect but listen here.  There were two technicians scheduled to come fix our gas range and then our refrigerator. The gas range guy came and then I got a phone call saying that the refrigerator guy would be coming very late so I should try and reschedule.  Hearing that, the gas range guy, who is really a general fix it guy ended up fixing our fridge (see previous blog) and I now have a fixed gas range AND FRIDGE.  So maybe it is not really SEARS I love but the guy who came to fix the gas range.  Of course, I can't say I love another guy other than my husband, so I love SEARS for hiring practical smart common sense people like him.  5 STARS for his service.

3.  Who says it rains all day? Why do we cancel things because of rain? In reality, when it rains, it doesn't rain all day so why do we cancel things?  And why are we afraid of rain?  We are such people to stay inside when it's raining.  And we've lost all the fun in life being adults because adults just stay inside when it rains. I remember the days when I would play in the rain with my neighborhood buddies. We jumped in puddles... and waded in dirty creeks, and took off our socks off often!! I loved doing this, until I got home one time and told my sister how I had jumped in the puddles at the end of my friends' driveway with no socks on, from where she scolded me saying I could have gotten worms in my feet.  SIGHH...

I leave you with this picture from our springbreak roadtrip, which I much rather think about than my epidemiology test tomorrow.

 I guess when you get married you start making the same faces.... I DID NOT know KEVIN was making that face. NO JOKE!

1 comment:

Jason Tan said...

This is the best picture. Ever.