Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Catch Up of Sorts

Has it been that long? I guess I have been quite occupied lately, so this posting is going to be an assortment of many seemingly random thoughts I've had recently, just like an assortment of chocolate or something like that. They're all different and taste real good. Pardon my cold and my voice. I've got an extremely sore throat.=)

Old man

Today I went to return something at Filene's basement.  As I was walking into the store an old man, clearly past his 70's, was passing out flyers for the store.  His hair was white and he wasn't standing up straight enough to convince me he was younger. Is it just me or does that make you sad too? Sure I was happy to get a coupon from Filene's because they rarely give me coupons, but to think that a man that age has to work and can't have retired altogether. While there are some seniors who want to work and are quite active, I doubt any of them prefer to work in a clothing store.  My heart broke to see that.

Christmas Coupons

Right after going to Filene's, I went into AC Moore, an arts and crafts store, to buy some sprinkles for Kevin's cookie decorating with his class on Thursday. I had a 50% off coupon, but while I was picking up the sprinkles and lingering around, I heard this lady say to the girl behind me, "Do you need a 60% off coupon? Does anyone need a coupon?"  If you know me and my coupons, you know that I responded to her request. What a nice person though! She had printed out 10 coupons because she said that she couldn't see herself paying full price for anything, and so she didn't want others to do the same.  And to add to that, she cut out all 10 coupons that she printed. How super duper nice!

Long Road Trips

I took a road trip to visit my good friend in Ohio last week. Drove about 7 hours both ways and I have to say that driving is good for my soul.  What I love about going on road trips myself is that I get to roam around the country, stare at God's creation, pray, and just be in solitude for hour after hour.  There's no other place I can go, and nothing else I can do.  After working so hard these past few weeks to finish up school and having to run around from work to internship to UMCP, those drives really were so healthy for me.  Ironically, I haven't run or exercise for around two weeks (that's a record), but really driving is so healthy for me.

A First

You should know that about two weeks ago, I probably had one of the worst days I've had in awhile.  Losing my grandpa was emotional and sad, but it wasn't the worst horrible day because I saw signs of God working and these signs were very clear to me.  Two weeks ago, however, I did not see God working at all!  Did I just say that? Okay, he was working, but I experienced what I call a slam from Satan.  Came home on a Friday night and the girl who lives below us decided to have the most smoky and loud party ever.  I was ready to go down there and do something!!  Next thing I know, Kevin discovered that our bathroom floor was wet and our toilet overflowed. While trying to clean up the overflow, a drop of liquid fell on my shirt. I looked up and realized that our toilet hadn't overflowed, but the toilet in the condo above had some crazy issues.  We saw it leaking a little bit more and so Kevin went upstairs to talk to the owners.  Somehow it happened that they flushed the toilet and did something with the tub, but forgot that I was downstairs in the bathroom holding a dinky trashcan. That's right, I got peewater all over me.  No need to tell you everything, but long story short, I was pissed off and so exhausted that I went to sleep without taking a shower. Kev went to sleep at 4am and did an excellent job of disinfecting the bathroom. Sometimes being OCD comes in handy. He really is a nice man and a great husband.

What I really meant to tell you about is that this year I, I mean, we, have our very first Christmas tree!!  And yes, I bought it with a coupon from Michaels!  It's small and cute...and fake, but it's really charming.  Really enjoy having Christmas lights in the house.

Final thought... while in Ohio, I bought a book from the grocery store.  I'd never do that, #1 because it's more expensive than Amazon or somewhere else, and #2, because you just don't buy books from the grocery store!  Well, I had just gotten angry at my poor husband, and somehow while at Krogers read a small portion of the book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff".  It's not the bible, but it must have been some sort of translation of it, because it made me call Kev and apologize to him for being a butthead.  I was going to walk away from the book and just put it back on the shelf, but I'm into doing new and crazy things, and I felt a calling to pick it up and glean more lessons from it, so yup, I bought a book from the grocery store and I feel really darn good about it!  I truly believe that I'm part of a small percentage of people who have EVER bought a book from the grocery store. Oh how good it feels..hehe.

Next time I'll talk about Ovaltine.  Stay tuned.

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