Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Most Unique and Best Bday Gifts

I believe that a birthday can often seem like an ordinary day with some glitter or sprinkles added to it.    How true I've found this to be today and this past weekend. Here I am documenting my 27th big day.  It's an ordinary week, a typical Tuesday, yet I don't want to forget the glitter and sprinkles that I've seen so far.  I've gotten some pretty darn good birthday gifts this week.  Let's start the list... (pictures are included)

1. This weekend I missed my sweet husband for about a day and flew to Boston to party and celebrate a good friend's wedding.  It was a blast, and although I was planning on doing a lot of work, I ended up doing only an hour of it the entire weekend. PRAISE THE LORD.  No wonder why it was so much fun.=)
2. A good out fit. I recycled a hand-me down spring dress (which by the way, someone said looked like a kid's dress) and then spiced it up with the Michelle Obama signature move - a belt.  I'd say good outfits made out of hand me downs should be considered one of Oprah's favorite things. It sure is one of mine!(left)
3. While in Boston for the wedding, I lived the luxurious life by getting to sleep in Marriott's beds. The pillows and bed were really comfy.
4. My Canon PowerShot A520 (which I got as a gift 5 years ago) took some fantastic pictures this weekend (should I go into business?)
5. My professor emailed me my grade for my Epi class yesterday and commented that "You totally rocked the exam!".  Those were her words EXACTLY.  Considering my A from this exam was worth a whopping 30% of my grade, I was pretty ecstatic.
6. I was wished a happy birthday one second after I opened my eyes this morning. My first bday being married=).
7. Got a LOOOONG distance birthday wish from my sista in Singapore!
8. After meeting with my advisor this morning about a proposal I thought would have to be over 20 pages longer, she told me everything was fine and that what I did not have to write 20 more pages in two days. Relief!
9.  Got a parking ticket for parking illegally at UMCP this morning.  Of course=).  When I opened it up, it said, "Warning only" and charged me $0. On it, it wrote that it was a "friendly ticket". I love friendly tickets. 
10. I enjoyed a birthday lunch with my three super fun and funny niece and nephews, my sister, my grandparents, and my momma.  Cupcakes, ice cream, dimsum, and family.  What a good combination.  At the wedding this weekend, the pastor said that he has observed that those that seem to live the happiest lives are those who have a lot of family (at least that's what I heard). How true this is and how blessed and happy I am.  Below is a picture of me, my newest nephew, and my grandma who loves the smell of babies, especially her great grand.



Jason Tan said...

Hey! It's your blog! Also, Happy birthday!

Katherine Tung said...

happy belated bel! love the pics! :)