Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Let's all say hooray because my crazy wild semester is OFFICIALLY over.  I'm running on four hours of sleep, but strangely I'm not tired (I guess I'll find out tomorrow). The real celebration is because yesterday was my birthday, yeah!, but also the TWO MONTH mark to the wedding. And now that school is OVER, I can actually think about the wedding a little=).

To add to that, Kevin and I will soon be able to spend more quality time (QT) together. His semester is almost over too. This year has been crazy but blessed as we've both been studying like mad dogs and our phone conversations aren't allowed to drift into the night.  Kevin has school in the morning, I have mine at night and finally in only a little, we'll be able to hang and enjoy each other's company alot more.  

Excited to get married, but also excited because at weddings everyone you never see yet love comes together.  I know Kev and my wedding will be quite a celebration and even though I'm not the frills and fancy type, I'm just excited.=) Here's a before picture of the bride and groom (Yes I'm wearing my Ape shall never kill ape shirt)... two months baby!...oh my goodness, is that possible??

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