Sunday, August 22, 2010

Something to share

The busy year is just about to start.  Does it really need to get any busier? I really have been enjoying this summer. Having Kevin home more often, going to the pool, going on a road trip, less traffic on the roads!  I'm starting to get pretty overwhelmed by my schedule and all the things that will need to get done this fall. I won't even list everything out to you because I'm afraid I might stress YOU out just thinking about these things.  I have realized that I'm an "ideas" person. Basically, it means that at all times I'm thinking, brainstorming and imagining ideas for my first new business, the new idea I'll propose at work, my new book, the way I'm going to redesign my house, the new hobby I'd like to try.  Lately, I've been waking up and before I can even consciously say good morning to myself, my mind is flooded with so many ideas and thoughts I don't even know what to do.  It can be dizzying and extremely tiring at times.

Sometimes I think that's why I need to run. Number one to get rid of all the energy I have inside me (Kevin says I need to talk to the doctor about jittering), but secondly to just have time to focus my mind on ONE thing and not get distracted by so many other things.  Woke up and ran 14 miles on Saturday morning. Woke up before 6am and because of my "ideas" disease, I had no issues waking up, meaning I was pretty chipper for an early hour.  My goal is to qualify for Boston.  (Please help me convince the man in my life to let me run more marathons!)

Today at church, I heard a sermon on being prepared to give our personal testimony. God commissioned us to tell others the gospel and share our stories with others and sad to say, I think I've failed miserably in this area. I do feel like God has been reiterating a number of messages into my head this year and sharing Christ with others (verbally) I think is definitely one of them.  Typically, I veer on the side of just being kind and not verbally sharing the gospel so that I don't have to offend anyone, but I think I've realized that you can be extremely sensitive to people and preach and share your testimony at the same time.  It can be much more loving and effective because people don't just see your actions, but they really hear how God has been moving and real in your own life.  The real reason I don't share my testimony is mostly because I'm afraid of what people will think of me. I also have not taken the time to prepare a testimony that I would be able to share with others.  These things do need practice and intentionality.

Clothing Swaps
As many people know, I absolutely love clothing swaps. Why? Because I hate spending money yet I love clothes. What a great solution right? Yesterday hosted a great and fun clothing swap. What a way to  hang out with friends.  Here's a picture of Kevin and I on our way through Corning, NY....and of course, there's me wearing a shirt I acquired a previous clothing swap.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Clothing swaps are such a great idea! I just need to find more girls my size ...

Your thoughts on sharing testimonies made me realize that, too often, we equate "testimony" to "conversion story" and they aren't necessarily the same thing. You're so right that it's really about sharing what God has done and is doing in our lives.