Thursday, April 30, 2009

By Far the Most Difficult Day

Today has been by far the most difficult day in trying to get my work done.  Usually I'm pretty task oriented but I have a final paper due for one of my classes next week not to mention many other final papers and exams to study for, but instead tonight, I spent hours looking for comfortable shoes to wear with my wedding dress. 

Who am I kidding? I hate shopping for shoes.  Look at what wedding planning can do to a person!

In addition to these changes, I've realized that when you have a beautiful ring with a diamond on it, it's hard not to still stare at it all the time. I'm still awestruck that Kevin trusted me with a diamond. ME?  Well, I'm honored to have his ring and the funniest thing is I used to tout in high school how I never looked at my nails like most girls do. I always had my palms up rather than down. With a ring, I've changed! I always look at my hand palms down! It's the ring I tell you. 

An update on wedding planning?
It's not stressing me out. Praise the Lord.  Invitations go out this weekend!

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