Thursday, February 17, 2011

My "I Wish" list

Okay let's be honest, we all at one time wish that we have things we don't have.  I'm not in the best of moods, mainly because I started getting hives yesterday and I am SO itchy!!  I have been pondering today how really fortunate I am to have a doctor, to have the ability to buy medications so easily and to have money to do so, to have a couch to sit on that is 140% comfy, to have a husband who says he'll take care of me, so really although I have an "I wish" list of pretty much complaints, I am oddly thankful at the same time.  Let's be honest though. Sometimes we just WISH things were a little different.  I thought I'd share that list today.

1. To start off, I wish I wasn't so itchy! Who thought of this condition? Being itchy is one of the worst things.
2. I wish that Kevin and I would both be healthy soon. Kevin is still coughing and recovering from his mono, strep, and ear infection and I was getting over a sinus infection that made my eyes hurt when these hives came along.
3. I wish I didn't have big bunions that hurt.
4. I wish I could run a marathon and not worry about my feet.
5. I wish I was taller so I didn't have to wear 2 inch boots or heels so that my pants don't drag.  Or so that I don't look like I'm 12 or just a midget.
6. I wish laundry and dishes just washed themselves!
7. I wish I could be married and live with Kev but also live with my grandma and the excitement of my nieces and nephews... but not have to live with Kevin in their house.=)
8. I wish I didn't get two cavities today.
9. I wish I could have my summer vacation soon.
10. I wish ice cream and desserts were full of vitamins instead of sugar.

Goodness! I feel so much better. Well, to conclude, I want to say that typically I would write that I wish my hair wasn't so darn crazy.  I still have not been able to unleash the hair stylist in me to help me have beautiful flowy hair, so I do tend to wear it up as often as possible, but I'm definitely coming to grips with my hair and starting to like it sometimes.  I give you permission to wish today.

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