Saturday, January 29, 2011

I have never been so thankful for power until this week!  Our condo's thermostat went from 73 degrees down to 46-47 in just a few hours and Kevin and I, were freezing babies for two days.  Boiled water constantly to try and keep things warm and I was getting cabin fever and tired of having to go to sleep at 8 o'clock because there wasn't enough light. No internet connection meaning no daily audio bible.  BUT thank God for a gas stove and fire. One thing I love about power outages is getting to light candles and making smores.

I've never been so happy to go to work or just to see people either. I have to say on Wednesday, I was wishing for a snow day real bad, but after staying inside with Kev, who was sick and couldn't play in the snow with me, I wanted to go to work and was so excited to see and talk to people again.  With power out and toes about to break off, we also had Kev's college buddy come visit for the winter storm! A visitor during this!?!? How brave.  It was so much fun to have a visitor during such extreme conditions!  And nice that Kev's friend Ritter is a tough MK/soldier and was content staying in our humble igloo.    When he left he folded the eight something blankets he used so neatly.  I was very impressed.

Well, today is the day to clear out our candles, clean up all the crumbs I dropped while eating SMORES in the dark, and prepare for Sunday.  By preparing I mean that I'm making cookies for our teen's Sunday School.  I think this is my favorite part about teaching teens because it's an enjoyable and low stress to bake for them.  The teens are grateful for anything to eat and I get to try out some old and new recipes.

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