Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Personal Etsy Site

I know a lot of people starting their own businesses, specifically on etsy.com.  I've always thought about starting my own greeting card company (since I was in high school in fact), but since that idea hasn't come into fruition, this past weekend, I thought of a new goal for myself that shows the frugality in me.

My awesome dream is to use all the decorative and card paper I have to make as many greeting cards as I can.  On display today are my first few cards of October 2010.  I might have used less than 5 sheets of paper! I love PAPER!

FYI- the flowers from most of the cards are remnants of table cards used at my wedding. That's right, reuse and recycle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doooo it Bel! :-D ... I'd buy your cute cards!